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Re: Re[6]: Carroll Smith's Books

Subject: Re: Re[6]: Carroll Smith's Books
From: Tor Hval <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 21:28:28 +0200 (MET DST)
> Even at their softest, Konis are stiffer than stock shocks so this is the 
> way it will be.

Seems that is what we want, a bit stiffer than stock. I will
give you a report as soon as I get a chance to drive the car.

> Ah, that's where some of the harshness comes from, I think.  On an 
> Elan, you can get away with stock bushings for everything, including 
> racing (although, for racing, if it never has to see the street, solid 
> bushings give you an improvement... especially true for the tops of 
> the Chapman struts at the rear where spherical bearings come in 
> handy).
Ok, but i see no reason to revert to stock bushings. We did not buy the
car to cruise arond, but to really drive it :)

> Yes.  When I first converted my racing Elan (now sold) from serious SCCA 
> racing to vintage racing, it had flares but they let me use them even 
> though none are allowed in vintage on the condition that I limited myself 
> to 6" wide wheels as originally allowed when the car would have been 
> raced new (1965).
We got 6" front and 7" rear.

> Guessing at type and size in converting from race tires to treaded 
> street-type tires, I used Yokohama A001R 205-60 tires.  In my first race 
> at Palm Springs, I found that the car had very little grip (fine with me 
> because these cars were *made* for 4-wheel drifts).
I wonder where I am going to learn to use these abilities.
There are very few roads where one can practice 4-wheel drifts, and there
are also very few tracks around. :-(
>  In fact, when I 
> finally changed tires after three race weekends, I sold the Yokohamas 
> which still had nubs all over them!  They had shared the 1350 pound 
> weight of the car so well that they never got warm!  Once I switched to 
> softer compound, 185-60s, the tires heated up and stuck much better.
I think that was the same type of tires the PO used for the road,but with
almost no tread left when we bought the car. I can't
see the reason, they give no grip until they are warm,and according to
you they do not even get warm on the track :-/

Tor Hval <>

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