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Re: Wire Wheel Play

Subject: Re: Wire Wheel Play
From: DANIELS@LMSBV2.TAMU.EDU (Another Crystallographic Triumph)
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1993 16:06:15 -0600 (CST) (sohl,william h) said:
>I'm wondering if by chance the splines and knockoffs are on the wrong
>side of the car.  

George did say that he was SURE they are on the correct sides (i.e. right-
hand threads on the left side, left-hand threads on the right side), but 
that was my first thought, too.  As the VTR article stated, though, could 
they have been overtightened too many times?   (George, if you don't have 
it, you really should try to get a copy of the article.)

Lee M. Daniels - Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding - Texas A&M  |  DANIELS@TAMLMSB.BITNET  |  (409) 845-3726

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