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Re: Wire Wheel Play

Subject: Re: Wire Wheel Play
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 93 14:53:15 pst
Unfortunately (for me, anyway) I inadvertently deleted several e-mail
messages including the one asking about wire wheel play.  I also deleted
some of the replies to my fuel pump question.  Sigh.

Sorry I don't know who asked the wire wheel question but I'll take a
shot at an answer anyway.  Based on my own wire wheels, you should feel
very, very little play.  In fact, I can't feel any on my car, though
there must be some small amount.  Certainly 2-3 degrees is way too much.
As for the splines, they should NOT be saw-tooth shaped but flat on top.

P.S.  The fuel pump replies I did manage to save contained additional
      recommendations for the pumps suggested in the ones I deleted,
      except for the Mallory (I think), so I don't think I lost any
      technical information, just the names of some people I'd like to
      thank for taking the trouble to reply.  Perhaps a summary would
      be in order; if anyone else is interested, that is.

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