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Re: Wire Wheel Play

Subject: Re: Wire Wheel Play
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 13 Jan 1993 11:02 EST
>Sorry I don't know who asked the wire wheel question but I'll take a
>shot at an answer anyway.  Based on my own wire wheels, you should feel
>very, very little play.  In fact, I can't feel any on my car, though
>there must be some small amount.  Certainly 2-3 degrees is way too much.
>As for the splines, they should NOT be saw-tooth shaped but flat on top.

The original question was asked by George DeVeau, but I'm
not sure if Roland's answer addresses exactly what George
was asking.

Certainly once the wire wheel has the knowckoff installed,
there shouldn't be any play between the spline and the wheel.

BUT...if the 2-3 degrees of play is present when the wheel is slid
on the spline prior to a knockoff being installed and tightened down
then that'd be totally acceptable as I see it.  Maybe George can
clarify the exact nature of what he is measuring...with or without
the knockoff installed.

Bill Sohl

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