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RE: Wire Wheel Play

Subject: RE: Wire Wheel Play
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 13:55 EST
Clarification of Wire Wheel Play

Thanks for the help on my TR3 wheel play problem.  I guess that 
I was a bit unclear as to where the play was, so here goes....

Without the knockoff, wheel in place, about 1 to 2 degrees, 
all wheels.

Knockoff in place and tight (I tighten with a light mall or 
heavy hammer and a block of wood to buffer the blow) there is 
no play at all.  I attribute this to the wedging affects of the 
cone on the spindle/drum and the tapered slot inside the knockoffs 
(in fact if there were no splines the play would be zero, for a 
while at least, just because the wheel is trapped in place).  

Then, after driving a while, I hear a slight clunk when I apply 
the brakes.  I put the car on jackstands, and sure enough.....
1 to 2 degrees of play again.  I repeat this exercise with the 
same results.

John W. suggested that I check that the wheel was riding on 
the cone and that the wheel lip was not bottomed in the 
knockoff.  Both of these are OK and I am sure that the hubs 
are on the correct side of the car.

One of the problems that I see with Knockoffs is that, unlike 
torquing a nut or bolt, there are no guides to quantify a 
"whack", maybe "Whack-Newtons".

Anyway thanks for the help, and I can't solve this I may 
borrow a brand-new spline and test all the wheels.

George DeVeau

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