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Re: Wire Wheel Play

Subject: Re: Wire Wheel Play
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 14:36:42 -0700
I'm not an expert by any means, but I think the key to George's
question is in his description that "the triangles look sharp".
These are supposed to be square splines, NOT pointy triangles.
Sounds like there's lots of wear if they are all the way to
triangle shape.  Some of mine (TR6) show signs of beginning to
point, but there's definately flat surface left at the top of
the splines.  I have a rear wheel which continues to concern
me.  In tracking down a "thunk" in switching from reverse to
forward, I found that I could feel movement between wheel and
brakedrum when rolling the wheel forward and back (in gear, engine
off, grab tire, rock forward and back).  It hasn't fallen off
yet but it does concern me.

As a side note, my clutch mc/sc rebuild continues.  New internal
springs and push rods (both available as individual pieces from
Victoria Brit) should help clean up slop in movement.  Roger B.'s
comments about slave rebuild may hold true.  I've found a good
bit of corrosion/roughness inside the cylinder.  :-(  Probably
can't get it all out.  I'll rebuild with the kit I have, but will
watch it in the future.

Joe Flake
HP Norcross

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