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Re: Numbers

To: "Graeme Weston-Lewis" <>, "autox"
Subject: Re: Numbers
From: "Charles" <>
Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 13:38:10 -0400
The multicolor is the border stripe which fades from yellow to orange to
provide extra contrast. The body of the markings are solid white. We did try
a small red star on white design fill center with red and yellow border at
2/2002 Ft M events in honor of 9/11( the picture used in SportsCar) which
was still highly visible, but we did not go with it for the full set. I used
that picture as an example of a highly visible marking that is technically
illegal but meets the spirit of the rule, like the sunset fill someone else
used.  Our markings do meet ALL the current rule requirements, those that
know me know I am a stickler for the rules.
Our local club has enforced the current SCCA min marking standards, with
discressionary spirit of the rule exemptions starting with the 2002 season.
There were some grumblings at first (something on the order of prying shoe
polish bottles out of cold dead fingers... ), but now that it has been shown
to be beneficial when enforced there is no problem. We offer printed paper
#s and blue tape for the newbees. The cars do look better and scoring errors
have gone way down. Other clubs in the area are seeing the light and have
started to do the same. My question is if local clubs find the current rule
workable when ENFORCED why can't the SCCA?
This whole discussion is based on reverse faulty logic: Make all that are
already in compliance because they follow rules change what they have, and
the few who don't already follow rules still won't do so!
----- Original Message -----
From: Graeme Weston-Lewis <>
To: autox <>
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 12:36 PM
Subject: RE: Numbers

> This topic is near and dear to my heart as I recently introduced what some
might class as
> draconian enforcement of the markings rules for the 2003 Rocky Mountain
Solo Series.  Basically, we have been asking, pleading, but
> stopping short of begging people to voluntarily comply with the Vehicle
Identification section of the SCCA National Solo rulebook
> for years.
> This year, tech is checking markings and failing people whose numbers are
not legal as per the current rulebook.  The amazing thing
> is now we are actually enforcing the rule, people are starting to get the
message and the quality of car markings has improved
> dramatically.  To help newer drivers, we have a "do-it-yourself car
marking" kit available on our website and we bring along some
> pre-printed numbers and tape to each event.  It's really not that hard!
Have I heard some complaints?  Absolutely, but they pale in
> comparison to the thanks I have received from my T&S crew!
> Now back to Chuck.  The rules state (and have stated for as long as I've
been doing this) "...must be of uniform color...".  How can
> anyone interpret "multicolored weatherproof ink on vinyl" as being in
compliance with that rule?  If you choose to do something
> outside the rules, expect it to be challenged, whether it be sway-bars,
wheels, engine mods - or even car markings.
> Graeme Weston-Lewis
> Solo2 Chair, Colorado Region SCCA
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []On
> > Behalf Of Chuck
> > Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 11:14 PM
> > To: Mark Sirota; autox
> > Subject: Re: Numbers
> >
> >
> > Mark,
> > I never said that there wasn't a way to do things cheaply, I know people
> > have bought a 4.00 roll of shelf paper to cut their #s out of. I also
> > people who have painted their car with a  brush. Maybe you're one of
> > people and if that works for you, go for it! I happen to be a masters
> > degreed professional designer who cares about making a visual statement
> > all my work, whether it is my custom designed jewelry I do for a living,
> > our race car markings. Since my wife and I both drive our car, and not
> > events we run in allow us to choose any number we'd like to use, I had
> > printed 2 each of the #'s 1,2,3,4,6,8 at 10" tall and the class
> > G,S,L,1 at 8" tall in multicolored weatherproof ink on vinyl from my
> > files. That's 20 numbers all together. The print shop charged me what I
> > thought was a very reasonable 10.00 per #, other shops quoted as much as
> > that amount. That's a total of 200.00 for a set of #s I am planning on
> > for several seasons. On top of the printing charges, I also purchased a
> > 35.00 roll of magnetic sheet, for a total of 235.00 in materials cost.
> > does not even consider the days I spent at the computer designing
> > #s, printing them on paper in a number of test color combinations and
> > them to the car to check their legibility and contrast, and the
> > full day I spent applying them to the magnetic and cutting them out. I
> > the finished professional visual appearance was worth the time money and
> > effort, and I take pride in it.
> > Now you have the gall to tell me that I should sacrifice all that work
> > money I've invested,  without question or complaint, and make a new
> > set to meet the exact wording of a rule instituted because a small
> > of individuals are too lazy, cheap, thick headed, or simply don't care
> > enough about themselves or the sport  to assist the people trying to
> > them of receiving their correct scoring, IS FOR THE GOOD OF THE
> > I'm sorry, but to me that's like telling me I need go out and buy a new
> > bottle of cologne, stronger smelling than what I use now, to cover the
> > of the guy sitting next to me who never bothers to shower or wipe his
> > "for the good of the others" at the table! I take personal offense to
> > and I will fight that reverse direction solution as hard as I can!

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