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RE: Numbers

To: Andy Hollis <>, Chuck <>,
Subject: RE: Numbers
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 22:18:26 -0400
--On Monday, April 28, 2003 9:20 PM -0500 Andy Hollis <> 
> See the esteemed Mr. Sirota's earlier comments.   Very eloquently put.
> Wish I had that much tact on this subject.  :-)

I've been trying the brute force approach for years without much success.
Figured I'd try something else for a change. :-)

I'd love to see a culture shift in the sport where people viewed number
readability as a competition.  I envision a world where people take pride
in having the most readable numbers in their class, where old timers take
the newcomers aside and have a discussion about contrast and hue.  Think
there's any chance?

The mission statement in the rulebook says something to the effect that
sometimes some people are going to have to spend money for the good of the
sport.  Chuck, you may be one of them in this case.

But seriously, you spent "a couple hundred dollars" on your numbers?  And
you'd have to throw them all away?  I'm having a little trouble digesting
that.  I think my numbers are about as readable as they come, and that's on
a two-driver fiberglass-bodied Formula Ford -- and I highly doubt I've
spent a couple hundred on them over the eight seasons I've had the car.

Mark (frustrated T&S worker for too many years)

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