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Re: autox insurance

To: <>
Subject: Re: autox insurance
From: "Dave Hardy" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 00:03:05 -0500
We had a driver at a local event hit a concrete wall in his very new car.  I
suspect damage was in the 5 digit range.  If it wasn't a brand new 25K car
I'm sure it would have been totaled.  He does have Progressive and they did
pay out.  He had a police report written at the scene, and showed the
officer the rule book definition of autox, to help him in writing his
report.  He said that the whole process was relatively pain-free.

I was surprised to here this about Progressive, as I know other people with
run-of-the-mill claims that have had to jump through hoops with them.  One
guy actually sued them after they denied a claim for a burn-up.  They said
that it was arson, but provided no proof.  After he sued, they ended up

BTW - This whole post has been intentionally vague to protect the identity
blah blah blah.

Dave Hardy
89 SM

----- Original Message -----
From: David Cramer <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: autox insurance

> I DO have progressive and I HAVE hit a pole while autoxing.  They will
> NOT pay  one cent of my car that was totalled. This is going tocost me
> serious cash. They sent me a letter with the section # in my insurance
> which states that the insurance is NULL in all "timed events" and that
> they will not cover this claim.
> The key words here are "timed events". This is how the insurance
> companies are going to try to get out of paying your claim.
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