On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Crooke John wrote:
> The Washington DC Region SCCA is a member of the Metropolitan Washington
>Council of
> Sports Car Clubs (MWCSCC). All of the local area MWCSCC autocrosses around DC
> limited to four heats of 30-35 cars. Period. If we let everyone who showed up
> we'd have 180 drivers, too. So we have a pre-registration website that
>everyone can
> access exactly three weeks before the event. We also pre-register by phone,
> more and more people are doing it online. It's a very slick process.
It's getting there, isn't it? To be fair, the registrar makes every
attempt to get everyone who wants to run a spot on the grid. Those who
miss out on pre-registration (or try to pre-register late) can sign up for
a waiting list to see if there are any no-shows on the pre-registered
grid. Depending on the progress of the event and the total number of cars
registered, I've seen more than one registrar stretch a heat by a car or
two or three to try and carve the waiting list down to zero. Often,
they're successful. No one casually turns away potential entrants.
On the other hand, we have to clear the site sometime....
> Next year the
> Council is going to implement a plan to allow a limited number season
>regulars to
> reserve a number for the season for something like $20.
That's going to be interesting, since reserving a number in the MWCSCC is
really reserving a specific grid position.
> The only other advice I would give is to try to have more events, and I
> that's not always easy or practical. Plus, here in DC, our schedule jumped
>from 12
> events to 16 events, with little decline in event attendance, so YMMV.
Yeah...strange how an area so hostile to cars can have such a popular
autocrossing program!
'92 Prelude Si
Speed Demon Racing