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Re: Require SCCA membership?

To: <>
Subject: Re: Require SCCA membership?
From: "Robert Glover" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 17:06:32 -0800
From: "Pat Kelly" <>

> We've talked about going for two days, with a one-event idea, running half
> classes one day, the rest the second. One thing that troubles me, besides
> able to get a large site in a central location for two days, is, since
this is one
> event, what is to preclude someone from running each day in two different
> What's wrong with that? Well, this person would have had practice on the
> day. The registrar (we're talking about around 200 entries) couldn't
> remember who ran Saturday...

I'd say if they wanted to run twice, fine... they pay twice too.  BUT, in
terms of points, hasn't the rule always been that you only get points for
your FIRST entry?  This would have to be the responsibilty of the
scorekeeper (whoever that is) to catch it when they enter the event's data
into their database.  Now, if they don't have a database, we're in trouble.

It would be an easy thing to catch, IMO.  And then log the second (or third
or fourth) entries as Fun Runs.

I could design a database to handle all of this if anybody wants...


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