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Re: Require SCCA membership?

To: <>
Subject: Re: Require SCCA membership?
From: "Brad Cox" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 13:42:59 -0600
As someone who just got involved in autocross this year I like the idea of
field limits.  A "first come, first served" type of strategy has several
benefits.  For one thing, competitors will be likely to arrive earlier, and
the registration people will be able to get busy with their own vehicles
sooner.  As a novice, I was always so danged nervous that I easily arrived
early enough to get registered had there been a limit.  Allow
pre-registration for folks who can't make it early enough.  Even offer a
small price break because it saves some hassle on race day.  The only tough
part about a 125 car limit is when car #126 shows up. :-(


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