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Re: Require SCCA membership?

To: "Brad Cox" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Require SCCA membership?
From: bruce haden <>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 12:31:27 -0800
  The only tough
>part about a 125 car limit is when car #126 shows up. :-(

It's not unusual for us to get near/over 200 here in SanDiego. We have a
large lot but 
also tend to do large courses so time and daylight become factors. We have
a 5:00pm
mandatory stop time at the venue we use (Quallcomm Stadium). I've wondered if
doing 2-day events, with half the classes running on Sat and half on Sun
might be a
possible answer. Anyone already done it (besides the Nats)? It seems a shame to
start thinking of limiting entries. By nature you will probably turn away
first-timers and end up losing them as future members.

This would change the cost/profit/entry fee equation somewhat, but a side
would be that spreading one event over two days, with fewer people per day,
make it less hectic at any given moment for the organizers, and, at least
for a while,
may permit something like 6 runs per car. I see some negatives to the idea,
but I
think they would be fairly minor compared to turning away eager new

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