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RE: spin control and laying blame

To: "'Howell, J. Brett'" <>
Subject: RE: spin control and laying blame
From: Tom Gentry <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 10:40:48 -0600
<<Tom writes:
>>Then again, as a driver, I would take that concrete wall into consideration 
>and brake a little early, maybe take that hairpin at 90% instead of 100%+.<<

<<Brett writes:
>>Then you would lose to the other driver who had the 
>nerve/cajones/stupidity/insanity to charge full out and managed to be lucky 
>enough to not spin.<< 

Brett, that is exactly correct, and the same could be said for any Solo Trial.  
I guess I forgot to mention that winning is not that important to me, having 
fun is, and I don't consider wadding up a car or an ambulance ride to be fun.  
My real point is that if you choose to take that chance it's YOUR choice.  If 
you feel the course is unsafe you can leave, or take precautions like driving a 
bit slower in the section, but ultimately it's all on the driver.

        >>Autocross should be a competition of driving skill, not luck or 
willingness to take chances with one's safety.<<

Of course, if we really want it to be a competition of driving skill, we should 
all be driving identical cars.  Or maybe even the same car. :o)

Also all IMHO.

Tom Gentry
Life is too short to drive boring cars!
'96 Ford SVT Cobra, Mystic #1345/2000 (mostly stock)
'72 Triumph TR-6 OD (mostly modified)
'59 Triumph Model 10 Sedan (mostly in boxes)

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