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Re: spin control and laying blame

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: spin control and laying blame
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 09:15:30 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, James Rogerson wrote:
> If you lose it, it's your fault. Period.  If you walked the course and then
> subsequently hit something, it's your fault, period!  Not anyone else's,
> just yours.  You did it.

Ok.  I say that if you spin, everyone that saw it should be able to hit
your car with a sledgehammer.  After all, you're the one that spun, so its
your fault that its getting hit by a sledgehammer, right?

No one was talking about fault or blame for the mistake.  I'll stand by my
earlier statement that if someone spins while on line and hits something,
the _hitting something_ part is the course designers fault.

Autox is targeted for lightly commited enthusiasts with daily drivers,
among others.  How many of those folks are gonna be happy and joyfull
when, despite people saying its hard to damage your car, they smack it
into a pole?  Your attitude is great for your approach to autox,
roadracing, rallying (from what I understand), etc.  But its _not_
appropriate for the direction that (I think) autox should take.

Mark (who's gone through his share of disposable race vehicles)

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