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Re: course design

Subject: Re: course design
From: John Cozine <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 18:32:50 +0000
FWIW, both of the Cincinnati clubs have courses like these pretty frequently
because we run on dinky lots.  It doesn't seem to cause that many problems,
even among the newbies.  A few people will go the wrong way once, or the same
way too many times, but usually only once out of the 6 runs they get.  The
announcer will tell them where they messed up, and they don't do it again.  As
long as it's well marked with chalk and everyone walks the course, I think
it's a far better solution than 20 second courses.  On top of that, I think
it's far more entertaining than some courses I've seen.  I went to an event
elsewhere in Ohio where the course consisted of 4 parallel slalom/gates
connected by 180 turns.  They had a huge lot that they could have done so much
with.  It was rather boring, although probably no less challenging than other 

John Cozine
How do you beat Neons?  Show up to more events than they do.

> wrote:
>>      I just don't enjoy rinky dink little courses that go right this >time 
>> this gate and left the next time thru it and so on and so on...Too >>many
>> complicated features, too un-race-like.
>Ah.  Now I see where you are coming from.  It was mentioned to me
>privately also that this type of course was the reason for the strong
>feelings on the subject.  I havn't seen this type of gimmicky thing in
>quite some time, so I think we simply have two different perspectives >on
>this subject.  If I were in your shoes, I would saying pretty much the
>same thing as you.  I know sometimes it is necessary due to small lot
>size.  Either that or have a 20 second course.  Hopefully not around
>- -- 
>Patrick Washburn <>
>Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese

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