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Re: course design

Subject: Re: course design
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 10:04:23 EST
In a message dated 3/7/99 10:50:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<<  If I were in your shoes, I would saying pretty much the
 same thing as you.  I know sometimes it is necessary due to small lot
 size.  Either that or have a 20 second course.  Hopefully not around
 here.           >>

    Down here we almost always use a place (a little corner of a Navy
auxiliary airfield) that is rather small.  Some of the courses we've had were
not too busy or complicated to suit me. One guy runs them in a sort of nice,
fairly open weaving line around the periphery with a loop at one end and
return the reverse direction back to a finish at the starting point. Works
great, ain't frustrating. Multiple laps  please me too--but most folks seem
not to like that. I like it because when you get to your final run you have
seen every corner several times and can get about the business of going fast
with total confidence and certainty, having a very good plan on  shift points,
brake points, and so on.    

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