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Pylon for March 1999

To: "" <>
Subject: Pylon for March 1999
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 12:57:35 -0500
The March 1999 issue of North American Pylon went into the mail on March 4
and is even now winging its way in the direction of subscribers.
        Covered this month are 
                -Buddy Jasman, CP Mustang,  quickest in Detroit, MI.
                -Tom Ellam beating 239 in his CSP Mazda RX-3 at Oakland,
                -Vic Sias, BSP 240Z, topping Competition SCC's "Stole It"
in Rancho Cordova, CA.
                -Mark Huffman taking ASP in his Elan at a new site in
Phoenix, AZ.
                -SoloTime's 1999 MidDiv schedule.

Plus columns by Byron Short, Rob Krider, Lorenzo the Scribe, Pat Kelly, and
J.D. Kemp.
        And editor John Kelly takes the SCCA Solo Events Board to task for
its handling of the "fuel de-embolizer" utilized by some CSP cars.

        -More autocross schedules than you thought possible, but we're not
done yet.
        -Interview of 1998 A Stock Champion Matt Murray, of Westport, CT.

For your very own subscription, call 1-800-KT-KELLY and charge the $24 for
12 monthly issues to Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Please call twixt 9
a.m.- 5 p.m. PST.

--John Kelly

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