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Re: course design

To: Jamie Sculerati <>
Subject: Re: course design
From: washburn <>
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 19:58:45 -0600
Jamie Sculerati wrote:
> It also doesn't prevent reuse of key course features during a run.  It does
> prevent event results showing multiple drivers with two and three off-course
> runs -- which is a fine indicator of a poorly-designed course.

Not to perpetuate this needlessly, and without any intended offense
toward you, (I like a lot of your ideas) but why is it always the course
designers fault when people go off course?  This may end being kind of a
button for me, but I've always encouraged personal responsibility.  The
competitor is responsible for knowing where the course goes, no one
else.  I frankly don't want to be working the sides of the course with a
bunch of people who haven't made the effort to learn and remember where
to go.

I agree that there are certain ways that a course element can encourage
needless "off's", and those trouble spots need to be fixed during the
event, but it still mostly comes down to not studying it enough.  In
recognition of the tendency of newer people to not make this effort, we
have started to do novice walkthrough's before each event at MAC events.
I think they are great, and I think it really reduces the number of off
courses.  Anyway, the one thing that is always true, and I have a friend
locally here that reminds me of this when I talk about courses too much:
everyone runs the same course.  It's all the same so what's the gripe.  
Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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