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Re: Which Tire? Let's Share Experiences

To: Brian M Kennedy <>
Subject: Re: Which Tire? Let's Share Experiences
From: Peter Wong <>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 16:02:51 -0800 (PST)
I have a set of XGTV4s on one car I've autocrossed and tracked, and in
about 30K miles see absolutely NO wear.  I mean no shoulder scuffs or
anything.  BIZARRE.

I have a set of MXX3s on another car that I autocross and track, and in 7K
miles they are about half gone and the shoulders are very worn.

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Brian M Kennedy wrote:

> Mark Sirota wrote:
> > 
> > Brian M Kennedy wrote:
> > > Very interesting.  My Pilots should be toast by the end of the next
> > > two autox weekends.
> > > ...
> > >     (Not that Pilots are great in wet; but they are drivable.)
> > >   * Does street driving greatly shorten the life of your R tires?
> > >     (... my Pilots may make 7000 miles.)
> > 
> > When you say "Pilot", which tire do you mean?
> > 
> > Michelin MXX3 Pilot SX
> > Michelin Pilot SX-GT
> > Michelin Pilot XGT Z4
> > Michelin Pilot XGT V4
> > Michelin Pilot LTX
> > 
> > I have the XGT V4's on my Jetta, and they'll last a LOT longer than 7K
> > miles (no autocrossing, though) -- they've got about 17K so far with
> > no noticable loss of tread.  And they're great in the wet.  So you must
> > not mean those...
> The MXX3's.  But before you conclude they are shorter-lived than XGT V4's, 
> you should know that almost all the wear came from about 60 autocross runs,
> the first 10 of which I was overdriving them pretty badly.
> If I flip them, they should last another 30 runs, but won't have much tread
> left for continued street driving.
> So, if you don't overdrive them, you can probably get a good 100-120 autox
> runs out of MXX3's.
> I should also say that I have some nice, wide twisty streets that I drive 
> on regularly to and from work.  I went through a set of XGT's in 8000 miles,
> but that's partially because I didn't rotate them soon enough -- being new
> to BMW's I didn't know I'd need to consider rotating at 4000 miles (10K was
> typical for my other cars).
> So, all in all, you shouldn't draw any wear conclusions from my tire
> experiences (other than that I'm hard on front tires).  Given that, I wonder
> if for _me_ a set of R-compound tires might last just as long or even longer
> than a set of street tires (given that I will both autox and street them).
> Thoughts?
> Brian

Peter Wong                  
Seattle, WA                 

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