On Mon, 4 Apr 2005, Bill wrote:
> Wonder what ever happened to 'run what you brung' or' those that cheat
> are more equal'?...or am I seriously dating myself??
> Bill '70 6
You aren't dating yourself. There's always folks that try to use different
angles to get a competitive advantage.
Not tooting my own horn - I tend to finish mid-pack and above at the
events that I do. At the national level, you can be asked to do a teardown
in impound. I elected early in my "career" to never get a trophy yanked
because my car is illegal. So far, so good. And if I was asked to do a
tear-down, I'd glady do it because I KNOW that my car is legal.
I suppose that makes my ethics a weak spot, so to speak. If someone needs
to cheat to beat me, that's another feather in my cap.
BTW, you can still run-what-you-brung at any SCCA event I've ever been to.
The problem is that many of the "improvements" that folks do to thier cars
don't show up in the results. To me, there is comfort in the rules set, I
know what I can't do to the car.
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