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RE: Iron Butts

To: "Alan Salvatore" <6parts@charter.net>, 6pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Iron Butts
From: "Shawn J. Loseke" <sloseke@holly.colostate.edu>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 09:14:14 -0700
>The positive side of the trip was a kid streching his head out a car window
>to get a better look at the 6 and then giving a thumbs up; and two other
>people asking "what kind of car is that?".
>Now , when was the last time that happen to someone driving a "Ford"
>Al Salvatore

 I actually hear that question all the time in one of my "Ford" products. Not 
many Americans know what a Ford Cortina is, especially a MkII 1600GT.
 Sorry, just in one of those moods again :o)

Shawn J. Loseke
Fort Collins, CO

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