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Re: Iron Butts

To: tr6taylor@webtv.net, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Iron Butts
From: GSFuqua1@aol.com
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 02:07:40 EST
Our route to Triumphest last year at Lake Tahoe from Branson, MO was up to 
I-80 then over and down.  Gorgeous country with lots of wild life and 
spectacular views.  Coming home we HAD to do the Canyon run Dick describes.  It 
is breath taking.  My wife and I were just reminiscing about it.  Between the 
Big One and Niagara Falls it is hard to pick.  We detoured north two years ago 
when we went to the VTR/Summer Party.  Upstate NY was beautiful as was 

When you stop to think about it, you just can't lose when you travel this 
great country of ours.  There is such diversity and beauty.  Having been in 
50 different countries I have a little background for comparison.  Yes, I 
would love to blow through the hills of Northern Spain, the Autobahn is truly 
something to experience and France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy all offer 
beauty as does Scotland and England BUT the USA has it ALL!!!

We are truly blessed.

God Bless the USA!!

Gary Fuqua
Branson, MO

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