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Seat foam Inquiry

To: 6Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Seat foam Inquiry
From: ronald weber <rmweber_99@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 05:43:28 -0800 (PST)
It was a rainy, cold weekend in central PA so I got finally got back to 
re-doing the seats for my TR6. I haven't been able to identify a mystery part 
that was included in the foam kit I ordered a while ago from Moss. This part 
looks like a 5' long piece of 1/2" pipe insulation that was split in half to 
form a "C" profile. Over the past couple of weeks I've placed 4 phone calls and 
an email to Moss, with no response on what this is so I'm posting this note in 
hopes someone in the group has some experience with this.
While I'm on the seat subject, the back support foam pieces have a non-woven 
fabric attached to them but I've been unable to determine how these are 
attached to the seat back frame. Anyone have any experience with these?
I appreciate any guidance on this!
 71 TR6
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