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Re: Dings on daily drivers

To: pjgraffam@juno.com
Subject: Re: Dings on daily drivers
From: jay_welch@juno.com
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 13:00:04 -0500
Yes.  If you're going to worry about the lack of common courtesy in the
parking lots it isn't worth.  I just drive Piggy....sometimes she even
gets a bath.



On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 11:31:03 -0500 "Paula J. Graffam"
<pjgraffam@juno.com> writes:
> Listers,
> After a new paint job last year, I acquired two dings on my 
> otherwise
> perfect body.  Here's my theory . . . don't get it fixed!  If I do 
> I'll
> be driving with high anxiety wondering if and when it's going to 
> happen
> again.  Drive as is and I'll enjoy the road better.  Anyone share 
> this
> scenario?
> Al Graffam  CT  74TR6
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