On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Paula J. Graffam wrote:
> Listers,
> After a new paint job last year, I acquired two dings on my otherwise
> perfect body. Here's my theory . . . don't get it fixed! If I do I'll
> be driving with high anxiety wondering if and when it's going to happen
> again. Drive as is and I'll enjoy the road better. Anyone share this
> scenario?
> Al Graffam CT 74TR6
The first car I ever "did up" was a VW Beetle, years ago. I bought a car
that was tired and then rebuilt the motor and fixed the tranny and brakes
- all the mechanicak stuff and then I handed over to a body shop to fix
some rust and paint it. It came out great!
I literally drove the car home from the shop and proceeded to get the very
first ding in my own driveway! How this took place isn't important, but I
sat there thinking all sorts of bad things but that somehow it really was
not _that_ important in the overall scheme of things.
I left it be.
My current TR6 driver is the same way. I had all the bodywork done about
14 years ago (WOW, 14 years!) and in the meantime some of the repairs done
back then (and were not done "right") have showed up. Sure, I'd love to
fix them and have the car perfect, but the car drives great, I'll drive it
_anywhere_ so a rust hole here or a ding there is not that big of a deal
to me.
Probably the biggest reason I don't tear that car apart for another re-do
is that I get so much enjoyment just driving it that the overall
appearance is just not as important. I also like to take cars apart and
put them back together again, but I'd rather drive them - given the choice
between the two.
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