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Re: Valve replacement for a newbie?

To: 6 pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Valve replacement for a newbie?
From: John <jhardt@columbus.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 08:45:43 -0400
Wow,  thanks everyone for the suggestions.  I'll give it another try today
(hopefully I won't need to use all of them).


On 5/5/02 8:31 AM, "Dale" <tpdwinch@yahoo.com> wrote:

> John
> Have use the compressed air to pop the cylinder
> head off. The way I did it was to attach a piece
> of pipe with the correct threads in the spark
> plug hole. The pipe had a connector with a quick
> release adaptor on it. Then turned on the
> compressor so that it slowly built pressure in
> the cylinder. You will know when it pops because
> of the release of air under the head gasket. I
> suggest doing this to numbers 1 and 6 or 2 and 4
> for best results.
> Dale

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