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Re: Valve replacement for a newbie?

To: jhardt@columbus.rr.com (John)
Subject: Re: Valve replacement for a newbie?
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 00:26:14 -0700 (PDT)
John---This "stuck head" subject comes up on the list every now and
then, with many different suggestions. I have used the 'rope trick' with
success. This is feeding a couple of feet of clothesline rope into #1
and #6 spark plug hole. Turn the engine with a socket wrench (1 1/8"?)
and breaker bar on the front pulley. If the pulley is already off, put
the tranny in gear and roll the car a foot or so. 
Another suggestion was to use compressed air thru a spark plug hole and
pop the head. I've never tried this, but it sounds good. 


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