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Re: Re:who wants to win a trophy at nationals this year?

Subject: Re: Re:who wants to win a trophy at nationals this year?
From: Ms Katie Kelly <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 11:03:42 -0800 (PST)
Karen Babb offered some theories as to why the heavier
BP might be faster than AP.

It's all about horsepower, wide slicks, and then
having enough weight over the wide slicks. If the car
is too light, you can't get the power to the ground.

Her example was Larry Park's heavy (relative to BP)
Corvette (now Rick Brown's), which at the time was
also quick enough to win EM. That might not have
changed, but I really don't remember results.


--- James Creasy <> wrote:
> its not our fault if AP is a dying class.  we are
> here to revive it!  david
> will bend all his considerable will towards winning,
> as you well know!  but
> as red star found out, tuning for slicks can be
> tricky so we will see.
> -james

Katie Kelly

Guilt slows your metabolism.

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