- 161. Re: Where there's a Will there's a quiz (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 10:24:10 -0400 (EDT)
- You're not missing anything. Don't know about anyone else, but *my* face is red. Ray Gibbons Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT gibbons@no
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg00931.html (7,209 bytes)
- 162. Re: Stop me before I kill...my Triumph! (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 10:31:02 -0400 (EDT)
- I think the Triumph is too interesting and rare a car to be the subject of such a swap. You'd spend a lot of money making it work, and probably halve the value of the car in the process. Please don't
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg00932.html (8,851 bytes)
- 163. The long way to work... (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 14:49:23 -0400 (EDT)
- As some suggested last month, there's no law that one has to take the most direct route to work. So now it is 4.5 miles to work in the H**a, and about 6-10 in Kermit. It's 60 and sunny today, and we
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg00952.html (6,947 bytes)
- 164. $695 MGB (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 16:20:10 -0400 (EDT)
- Well, crew. You knew I could not resist calling about the $695 MGB. It supposedly has 32K original miles, hardtop and softtop, wire wheels, and some spare parts. The car is at a salvage yard; the own
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg00956.html (7,589 bytes)
- 165. $695 MGB Redux (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 18:48:33 -0400 (EDT)
- Thanks to those who replied and explained how the $695 B would become a $5000 B in a trice. I went to see it; I think $5000 is conservative. It probably was a genuine 32K mile car. It even had the ai
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg00963.html (7,423 bytes)
- 166. Re: Larger LBC Family (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 13:36:38 -0400 (EDT)
- Dear George, Congratulations to you and Beverly, the boys, and your lbcs. May all your joys be large, and your hassles small and easily overcome. And remember: marriage is a bit like the oil spot und
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg00992.html (6,873 bytes)
- 167. Re: STUFF (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 15:19:49 -0400 (EDT)
- Dear Alan, They always say the rust you can't see is worse than the rust you can see. If so, the body is beyond reasonable salvage. There is a hole under the driver's seat you could throw a cat throu
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01059.html (9,820 bytes)
- 168. Bodge, bodge, honk, honk... (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:14:01 -0400 (EDT)
- Warning: long message of minor woe, not unlike the snake gas tank saga. Vermont has auto inspection. It's the only thing about VT that has ever made me long for Illinois. (When I lived there, there w
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01081.html (10,034 bytes)
- 169. Re: Oiling leaf springs (cont'd.) (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 16:03:16 -0400 (EDT)
- When I used to pay $1.75 to get my car greased at the service station, it was SOP to spritzer all rubber bushings with rubber lube. It did reduce groaning and squeeking for a while. One can still buy
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01100.html (7,545 bytes)
- 170. Re: Oiling leaf springs (cont'd.) (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 16:10:32 -0400 (EDT)
- I would add a couple of cleaning tips learned thru bitter experience. Miracle tire cleaner (No Touch) makes your tires look great for a few days, then they turn a disgusting brown. I tried the stuff
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01101.html (8,248 bytes)
- 171. Re: Any Met owners out there? (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 11:04:42 -0400 (EDT)
- I'm a former owner. In 1965, I briefly owned a well-worn 1954 Metropolitan Convertible. It was chartreuse, with a dark green top. Who could have resisted? Everyone but me, it turned out. I was unable
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01125.html (6,741 bytes)
- 172. re: Lucas & Armor All (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 11:40:13 -0400 (EDT)
- It *is* a good idea to be careful where one sprays this stuff. In fact, I don't use Armor All much at all, since it does little except make parts shiny that were not meant to be shiny. However, when
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01129.html (8,811 bytes)
- 173. re: Lucas & Armor All (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 13:41:36 -0400 (EDT)
- Silicone Valley is near Grand Teton in the Teton Range, right? Ray
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01141.html (7,112 bytes)
- 174. Re: Installing windshield and rear window in a GT6+ (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 14:58:57 -0400 (EDT)
- I am posting to the group so they can correct any errors. My analysis is that you and an assistant must do two things: 1) one of you must press the window toward the opening and 2) the other must use
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01146.html (10,534 bytes)
- 175. That dog won't hunt... (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 16:26:36 -0400 (EDT)
- When one or both of you starts hunting, it's all over. Oh, oh, you meant for animals. Never mind. Ray Gibbons Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlingt
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01154.html (6,982 bytes)
- 176. lbc questions... (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 10:49:09 -0400 (EDT)
- OK group, lotsa lbc content here. I finished the cosmetic part of restoring Kermit, my tree-frog green '60 Sprite, in Sept. 92. There were a number of niggling mechanical things that I put off worryi
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01179.html (11,870 bytes)
- 177. Torquing head... (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 12:04:22 -0400 (EDT)
- Oh, yes, another question. When one retorques the head, should the antifreeze be drained to ensure that none seeps into the cylinders while the bolts are loose, or is this unlikely? Ray Gibbons Dept.
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01185.html (6,994 bytes)
- 178. Re: Propane (Was: Morgan for sale) (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 11:53:44 -0400 (EDT)
- I doubt that the owner intended to imply that a conversion from gas to propane would be bad. Rather, I suspect the issue is whether there had been a conversion from propane to gasoline, which might o
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01186.html (7,861 bytes)
- 179. Punch/flange tool (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 10:37:21 -0400 (EDT)
- Sorry to trouble the list with this. Someone asked me where to buy a tool to put flanges on sheet metal so patch panels will fit flush; I've lost his name/address. When I answered, I could not find a
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01227.html (7,293 bytes)
- 180. Re: Bugeye headlight trim ring question (score: 1)
- Author: "W. Ray Gibbons" <gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu>
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 16:22:39 -0400 (EDT)
- [that he had his question about headlamp trims answered, then he asked:] Ahem. That isn't as simple as the headlamp rim question. You see, there are two kinds of bugeyes. Those with the shift boots a
- /html/british-cars/1994-10/msg01250.html (8,515 bytes)
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