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Re: Bugeye headlight trim ring question

To: Daren Stone <>
Subject: Re: Bugeye headlight trim ring question
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 16:22:39 -0400 (EDT)
On Fri, 21 Oct 1994, Daren Stone wrote:

[that he had his question about headlamp trims answered, then he asked:]

>     And now for our next question:
>         Whilst perusing Jeff's Bugeye books, we came across a BMC archive-ish 
> photo that shows the rubber shifter "boot" (for lack of a better description) 
> like this       VV           instead of this  VV
>                 __                            __
>                (  )                          (  )
>                 ||                            ||  
>                 ||                      __..  ||  ..__
>                /  \                         \ || / 
>           --../    \..--                     \||/  
>     Question: Which one is correct ?
>         cheers-
>                 daren

Ahem.  That isn't as simple as the headlamp rim question. You see, there
are two kinds of bugeyes.  Those with the shift boots as in your left
diagram are called "innies" and the ones with shift boots as on the right
are called "outties."  It is not unlike the sneeches of Dr. Seuss fame, not
to mention human belly buttons.  Kermit is an outtie, I think, but I would
have to go check to be sure, because I try not to dwell on such things.  I
myself am an innie, if it matters to you.  Neither of us has a star on his
belly.  What you want to do is quit worrying about such things, which only
divide people and bugeyes, and focus on the inner car/person.

   Ray Gibbons  Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
                Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
        (802) 656-8910

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