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Subject: Re: MSD
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 01:38:47 -0600 (MDT)
Folks may want to make sure they are talking about the same 'missed shift'
situation before getting too worked up.

Missed shift 1:   You're coming out of the turn in 2nd gear wanting to close
in a few feet more on the fellow in front.  You go for 3rd, release the clutch
and jump on the gas.  But you don't get third, you stay in neutral a bit as
you uselessly stir the innards of the gearbox.  Unloaded engine at WOT revs
until the rev limiter jumps in and starts cutting the ignition.

Missed shift 2:   You're coming out of the turn in 2nd gear wanting to close
in a few feet more on the fellow in front.  You go for 3rd, release the clutch
and don't have time to get on the gas, as you are not in third, but first.
And given the gearing and the speed you were traveling in second, your engine
needs to turn 15,647 rpm in first gear at that speed.  Rev limiter in this
case is, as mentioned, just a shrapnel collector.

Personally, I have a Crane HI-6 on the Killer Spit, which let's you just turn
the little dials to provide 100 rpm increments of redline, no need to swap
bits like some MSD models.


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