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To: "Stan Hanks" <>, <>
Subject: Re: MSD
From: "Carl McLelland" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 23:47:17 -0700
Sorry, but I've just gotta jump in here on this one. Last March at Sears
Point, while entering turn 10 at 6 grand in 4'th, I sheared the flywheel
bolts on my Alpine. You can pull up my website for a picture of the
tattletale on my tach, but in the meantime let me tell you; I turned the
engine 8800+ rpm before I could get my foot out of it. (And if your not
impressed by the photo of the tach, you should see and hear the video tape
when it went!!!!!! NOT PRETTY!!).

Fortunately the mechanical damage to the car was minimal. I now have an MSD
rev limiter to squash the rpm jump, should I ever have another failure like
this one in the future. If it works it will have paid for itself. If not,
well, I also have a carbon fiber scattershield bonded to the bell housing to
keep all the parts of my anatomy intact.

One thing you say is true; setting the limit on the limiter. If you
'redline' the engine at 6, but your "ego" makes you install the 8 grand
chip, then you are kidding yourself. If you redline at 6 then install the
'6' chip!
Carl McLelland
    CSRG #247 series 1 Sunbeam Alpine
                        Lotus 61 formula Ford

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stan Hanks" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: MSD

> > It's the only insurance one has in a missed shift etc.
> Hold on there young fella....
> The MSD rev limiter *DOES NOT* do *ANYTHING* in the event of a missed
> shift. Unless you positioned it to take the shrapnel from the exploding
> crank...
> It does "soft limit" the revs if you head for infinity and beyond
> by keeping your foot on the gas. Assuming that the engine would pull
> that high anyway (I've seen many, many rev limiters set for limits
> way higher than the engine would pull. sad.)
> But it's not an old-fashioned "governer" that keeps the absolute revs
> to be low a particiular limit by mechanical means. No way. No how.
> Stan

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