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finding parts

To: <>
Subject: finding parts
From: "Charles Christ" <>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 15:17:50 -0000
i have found the hunt/search for parts the most interesting and yet at times
the most frustrating part of restoring or reconstructing a car.   there are
so many knowledgable individuals out there.   and each one of them have
specific strong and weak area's of interest.   the networking that it takes
to track down some of the wierd stuff is just amazing!  my phone bills
attest to that!  lol!    but when it all comes together and you can sit back
and admire the finished product of all your searching and
there is satisfaction.  and it is a satisfaction only you can apreciate!

wierd cars are so hard to do but so darn neat when they are finished!   :)

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