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Re: Vintage/Historic 24-Hour Race

Subject: Re: Vintage/Historic 24-Hour Race
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 10:25:55 PDT
I agree wholeheartedly.  The scariest race I ever had was when CSRG
gridded me with 8.1 liter Can-Am cars!  My 1.1 liter F-Junior was just a
little outclassed.  =:0 The Can-Am cars aren't much taller, but they're
a lot wider and faster. I raised a stink about it and they didn't do it
again.  I haven't run the Enduro that CSRG offers, but in that event
they do mix all classes of cars.  They generally get no more than 10-15
entries for that one.  The CSRG Enduro caps off a weekend of regular
vintage racing, so the lack of Enduro entries is not a problem.  The
Enduro cars do have to be entered for the regular weekend, too.

I suspect if you find somebody to run a 24-hour vintage enduro, they
will either have to mix all cars together, or put on separate events.
Getting enough entries could be a problem unless you mix cars.  The only
way to keep all the cars separate would be to run the "24 hours" in
several stages over a lot more than 24 hours.  The sedans race on
Tuesday, the open wheelers on Wednesday, etc.

>If it includes Formula cars and they are separated from the Corvettes
>and Ferraris and all those big boats that make Formula car drivers quake
>in their boots as they scream past without seeing you.  I will not race
>on the same track with closed wheel cars, it is just too dangerous.  I
>did it once and all I saw in my mirror was huge headlights and grills
>(made me go faster, that's for sure!).  I have no quarel with them
>racing, I just dont want to race WITH them, it just isnt safe for the
>Formula cars.  Their roll cage and fenders make them immortal and they
>can't see a damned thing from way up there in the clouds.

Now who was screaming past who? ;=)

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