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Re: Vintage/Historic 24-Hour Race

To: jim hayes <>
Subject: Re: Vintage/Historic 24-Hour Race
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 10:32:01 -0700
> I know about the SVRA races at Sebring, I was here in 94 as crew and they
> get very little track time.
> Assuming few spectators would be interested, why not earlier in the week?
> December is tough, since if you really wanted to do this, you'd do a LOT of
> prep and we're still racing tillthe end of October here in the Northeast!
> January is better.
> Not discouraged yet!
> veni, vedi, veloce

January has two (2) SCCA National events on consecutive weekends and the
Daytona 24-Hour the first weekend in February.  Further, the "Longest
Night" 24-hour for Showroom Stock and IT cars at Moroso Motorsports Park
is December 28-29th... not doable in terms of workers... 

If we tried to do the "March thing", SVRA would be the logical choice as
the organizers - which is fine with me as long as everyone can agree on
preparation rule, eligible tires, etc...  many of which, for a 24-hour
event, should probably be "open" since a lot of things change when you
begin preparing for a race of this length.  Again, the main problem here
may be workers as other events in March are: HSR Sebring GTP Reunion on
the first weekend in March, SVRA Spring Fling I at Moroso Motorsports
Park the weekend prior to the Sebring 12-hour and both SVRA and SCCA
Vintage races the last weekend in March (I'm also ignoring the various
Skip Barber, CART, Trans-AM, PCA, etc. events that also draw on the
worker pool during the month...).  March is a VERY busy month and the
workers pay their own expenses, for the most part.  Solve this problem
and we're half-way there!!!


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