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Vintage/Historic 24-Hour Race

To: jim hayes <>
Subject: Vintage/Historic 24-Hour Race
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 12:15:41 -0700
jim hayes wrote:
> > > Instead of running a cross country dash in formula cars, why not organiz
> > > vintage 24 hour enduro? I've always wanted to run Nelson Ledges but it s
> > > a bit too competitive. Any sanctioning bodies wanna try this one?
> > >
> >
> > I'd like the tow truck and flatbed concession on this one...
> >
> Sponsors - we gotta get sponsors -
> Likely prospects: Geritol, AARP, well you get the idea...
> Anybody read Peter Egans column in the latest R&T on nursing homes?
> Jim
> Jim Hayes @ fotec,inc. the fiber optic test equipment company
>                               151 mystic ave.
>                  medford,ma 02155-4615
> ph:1-800-537-8254 (US,Canada) 617-396-6155 fax: 617-396-6395
> Web Home Page:

Ok, Ok ...  Listen, if you guys are SERIOUS about a 24-hour, regardless 
of the format, I will do some research here in South Florida where we 
know something about 24-Hour races (and 12-hour races for that matter).  
We also have tons of nursing homes and all related supplies for those who 
feel they will be truly needed...

I do see a problem with multiple cars being used, since the faster cars 
will, obviously, complete more laps (reliability being cast aside for the 
moment).  This might be accommodated if the "team" could be categorized 
based on the types of cars included using some index of performance.  
This would allow like teams to compete evenly.

As to multiple tracks, this is an interesting idea but I believe the 
track rentals would kill any hope of the "average joe racer" being able 
to afford the entry fee.  I don't know about the California tracks, but 
the Florida tracks will NOT rent by the hour...

In any event, we do have a number of tracks to choose from down here 
including Daytona (the hardest to get), Sebring International (relatively 
easy to rent), Moroso Motorsports Park (the easiest to get and the site 
of the December SCCA "Longest Night" 24-hour event) and Homestead 
Motorsports Complex (the next to hardest to get) which is an absolute, 
first-rate facility but, again, is relatively short (2.11 miles or so).  
We have a large pool of experienced SCCA workers that are called on 
constantly for a variety of motorsports events, causing their time to be 
more at a premium than at some other locales... you must remember that 
racing is a year-round event down here so the workers don't get much time 
to rest and relax...  We also have HSR based in Tampa and Joe might be 
interested in helping to organize the event (particularly if SCCA is 

This brings us to the issue of preparation rules (I just took three steps 
back from MY keyboard, how about you?); in an event of this type, should 
we really concern ourselves with this or just play it by ear for the 
first (if ever) event.

OK, your turn.  Let me know how serious this idea should be - if we 
started now, a 1998 date might be reasonable (assuming everyone would 
want to run the event in the Jan - April or Oct - Dec timeframes.  The 
easiest month would probably be December since most people are done with 
racing at this point and are avoiding office parties rather than on-track 
obstacles.  Has anyone out there heard about the Florida golden 
armadillos that inhabit our tracks?  But that's another story.

Let me know...


(Florida Region, SCCA Vintage Race Coordinator)

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