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RE: TR2-6 Brake performance

Subject: RE: TR2-6 Brake performance
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 06:49:56 -0700
Cc: "Triumphs" <>
> Message text written by "Randall Young"
> >stopping distance should be proportional
> > to the square of speed,

Dave replied :
> Why?  Although it is true that the kinetic energy increases with
> the square of speed (1/2MV*2),

Well, that should tell you right there, since the brakes remove kinetic
energy at a fairly constant rate.

> barring brake fade and if tyres are the
> limiting factor
> the brakes should be capable of a constatn decelleration and the first
> derivative of a square function is linear.

So the stopping *time* is linear.  But the distance is still a square
function, because time is multipled by speed and both go up.


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