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RE: Rat Roadsters

Subject: RE: Rat Roadsters
From: Scott Tilton <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 17:12:26 -0400
Lou Wrote:
Just curious but what do you call a restored car that is driven?  

I call it someone else's car.   :-)

Sounds like you are picking apart my terminology Lou.
And I guess that's fair.

I didn't mean to imply that Concours or restored cars are not actually
I would have used the term "trailer queen" if that were the case.

Perhaps I shouldn't have called them "driver cars."
I should have called them unrestored, beaters or . . . or  . .. RATTY!
(sorry Fred)

I didn't mean to oppress anyone else's efforts or passions.
I do respect the restored cars and am awestruck in the amount of time and
money and care that go into them.
But honestly, I find myself more interested in the unrestored ones or the
modifications that have been done to "restored" ones.

It's just a personal preference.

By the way, I've got a couple thousand miles on my car this year too.
They have all be back and forth to work (50+ hours per week), to the store,
and one of my favorites: picking up dry cleaning.
The folks at home depot gave me a weird look when I was trying to fit a 6'
long boards INTO my TR4.  
It was kind of hard with the fiberglass hardtop installed.  
Hell man . I need a trailer hitch!

I think I've may have washed the car half a dozen times so far this year.
(okay, so I've washed the wheels dozens of times)

Different strokes for different folks.

Scott Tilton
1963 TR4 Everyday

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