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Re: Rat Roadsters

To: <>, "Scott Tilton" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Rat Roadsters
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 16:29:21 -0400
References: <>
> And that's why I still enjoy multi-day meets such as VTR conventions (or
TRA or [insert club name here] meets). Yes, there's inevitably a show as a
"major" part of said convention or meet, but it's only a few hours out of
one day. The rest of the time, you've got rallyes, autocrosses, tours and
plenty of free time to simply walk around and chat with people and really
use the cars!
> --Andy Mace
Last week at VTR S/E even though it was small in size we all gathered in the
parking lot each night until rather late hours, it was not the cars but the
owners that were the most enjoyable and that is the way it should be, I
think any T/R on the road and running is a great T/R, so I am not in
agreement with the term "RAT", it's a T/R and not a dirty varmit that folks
put out poison to get rid of.  They are all needed and wanted at every get
together  My .000002 "FT"

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