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RE: brake help

To: <>
Subject: RE: brake help
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 16:35:08 -0800
> writes:
> However, this leads me
> to ask, what preparation needs to be done to make this switch?  Can I just
> bleed it through? replied
> IMO I would replace everything that I wanted to replace, rinse out the
> remaining tubing, etc. with methyl alcohol, (wood alcohol)...Not
> isopropyl(rubbing)
> alcohol, then blow out with DRIED, FILTERED air, and then fill
> and beed with DOT 5.

I'll agree that's "best practice", in fact it wouldn't hurt to disassemble
and wipe dry each cylinder to be sure all DOT 3/4 is removed.  And as long
as you have them apart, change the seals too.

But, IMO it's not required.  I've converted several cars now by just filling
up the MC with DOT 5 and bleeding each slave until I get clean, purple DOT 5
out of it.  The downside to that is that pockets of the old glycol fluif
will remain in the system, separate from the DOT 5 (they do not mix even
though they are fully compatible), and continue to deteriorate.  Over time,
it becomes a black tarry mess that you will find if you ever do need to
replace seals.  But in the meantime, you still get the advantage of not
using paint remover in your leaky old British hydraulics !

It's also my belief that seals and whatnot last far longer with DOT 5, but


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