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RE: A paradox, was: Designer leaks

To: <>
Subject: RE: A paradox, was: Designer leaks
From: "Aric Datesman" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 21:02:23 -0400
Well, I'm afraid I have to admit that in my other life I'm quite the beer
snob and have been known to, on occasion, when in a hurry for a pint, pull a
bottle out of the fridge, pour it into a pint glass and microwave it on high
for 20 seconds.  No need to wait for it to warm naturally!  No need for the
Coors....  :-)

I'm serious.  Cold beer numbs the taste buds and you lose the ability to
detect  flavors and aromas.  Although it usually isn't a problem for me as
there's a separate fridge dedicated specifically to beer that is kept on an
external digital temperature controller at 52 deg F +/- 2 deg.

If you want to get really picky about beer and serving temperatures, check
out the Campaign for Real Ale at  Personally, I
love having a pint from a properly cellared cask served through a beer
engine.  Wish I had more of it when I was in England last.

LBC content, the beer fridge is right next to the garage, where there's
usually several empty glasses on the workbench next to the '3.

1959 TR3A
Certified Beer Snob and homebrewer thinking of going pro. :-)

> I guess the best solution when drinking a beer such as Saranac Pale Ale
> or a Sierra Nevada or other micro is to have a cold Coors Lite fast to
> cool down then sit down and have a "real" beer nice and slow. The only
> problem there is who has a Coors lite handy when you need one?
> Bob Labuz
> 1958 TR3A
> 1974 T140V
> 1998 T-Bird

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