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RE: Power outlet in a TR3a

To: "'Randall Young'" <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>, "'Triumphs@Autox Net \(E-mail\)'" <>
Subject: RE: Power outlet in a TR3a
From: "David A. Templeton" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:12:21 -0400
> David, I'm not sure I understand the question.  The fuse goes
> in the wire
> from the ammeter to the outlet.  It's probably better closer
> to the ammeter
> end, but doesn't really matter too much.

That is what I meant, type before thinking again :-).

> BTW, if the outlet has a metal shell, it may be internally
> connected to the
> negative lead.  Might be worth checking ...
Well, to show what I am using go here:

I will also document the addition here for others to use.  I figure it is
the least I can do based on all of the great help that has been given to me
over the past couple of years.

David A. Templeton
'59 TR3a - 9TS54226L ( "9" denotes the CDN import on year of mfr )
'74 Spitfire - FM10491L

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