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TR3a Behaviour/noises

To: "David A. Templeton" <>
Subject: TR3a Behaviour/noises
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 10:54:43 -0400
Cc: "Triumphs@Autox Net \(E-mail\)" <>
Message text written by "David A. Templeton"
>- In fourth gear, under acceleration, the gearbox whines.  Fluid level is
>good, shifting is good.  This is a non-syncro first gearbox.

That's odd.  It is normal for the gear box to whine in lower gears but not
fourth.  Are you sure it isn't coming from the differential?

>- The axles pipes coming out of the diff appear to be "wet" with gear oil.
>Nothing substantial just around the seam where the pipe goes into the

You might try smearing some gasket sealer at the joint in the hopes of it
wicking up in there.  There is an old style available (I forget the name)
that is applied with an swab applicator that is much more liquid than the
Form-A-Gasket varieties common today.

>- The clutch seems to have about a 2" travel before engaging.  All of the
>components are new.  Could I simply be "breaking in" the clutch?  It is a
>'3a clutch not the '4 one.

This is normal.  My 3 has about 2 inches of excess travel, too.


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