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RE: transporting

Subject: RE: transporting
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 10:22:12 -0700
>     My dilemma is that I don't have a way to get my non running GT6 to the
> destination 14 hours drive away within a reasonable budget.

Have you considered towing a dolly behind the minivan ?  Check with U-haul
or whoever beforehand to see how big a tow vehicle you have to show up in
... but of course they have no way of controlling what you do once you leave
their lot ... nor what you actually tow with the dolly.

I towed my Sports 6 home from New Mexico, roughly 750 miles behind a very
tired 'compact' Chevy Citation.  Burnt lots of gas (appx 12 mpg with A/C on)
but had no trouble with the towing once we gave up on the idea of towing it
backwards to avoid disconnecting the driveshaft <g>.  Even almost got a
speeding ticket (CA sets 55mph when towing, I was doing roughly 65).

Tow dollies hold their value well, you could even buy a used one and plan on
selling it in AZ.  There's one in PA on eBay, about to go for $600 ...


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