Better still, You can probably find a used 2-wheel trailer for far less than
you would have to spend on renting a trailer. I bought one for $400 and
have gotten several times that much usage out of it since then.
Randall Young wrote:
> > My dilemma is that I don't have a way to get my non running GT6 to the
> > destination 14 hours drive away within a reasonable budget.
> Have you considered towing a dolly behind the minivan ? Check with U-haul
> or whoever beforehand to see how big a tow vehicle you have to show up in
> ... but of course they have no way of controlling what you do once you leave
> their lot ... nor what you actually tow with the dolly.
> I towed my Sports 6 home from New Mexico, roughly 750 miles behind a very
> tired 'compact' Chevy Citation. Burnt lots of gas (appx 12 mpg with A/C on)
> but had no trouble with the towing once we gave up on the idea of towing it
> backwards to avoid disconnecting the driveshaft <g>. Even almost got a
> speeding ticket (CA sets 55mph when towing, I was doing roughly 65).
> Tow dollies hold their value well, you could even buy a used one and plan on
> selling it in AZ. There's one in PA on eBay, about to go for $600 ...
> Randall
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