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Re: Pertronix reliability

To: Erik Quackenbush <>
Subject: Re: Pertronix reliability
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 07:49:31 -0700
Cc: a Wallace <>,
References: <>
Erik Quackenbush wrote:
> Pertronix had a bad batch of adhesive in their magnetic collars a few years
> ago and people here have long memories.  New ones work beautifully, so
> don't buy one that's been sitting on the shelf for a long time.
> I've installed multiple Pertronix and Crane XR-700 units in different cars
> over the years. I really prefer the Pertronix. The Crane takes longer to
> install and is a pain to fit and align properly. It has a cheap aluminum
> bracket that holds the optical sensor and is a trial to adjust properly. It
> also adds a modern looking box that looks out of place in a classic engine
> compartment.
> When properly set up both units appear to perform about the same. Neither
> unit produces a killer spark like an MSD but they do outperform points.

But the Pertronix makes a great points replacement as used to trigger a MSD 
Unit.  It gives a definitely noticeable boost in performance when it is
set up properly.


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