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Re: TR4/TR4A engine numbers and originality

To: Michael Gajic <>, Triumph <>
Subject: Re: TR4/TR4A engine numbers and originality
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 14:04:39 -0700
Organization: Crave Technology
References: <>
Michael Gajic wrote:

> I am interested in finding out what is the best way to check whether a TR4
> (or TR4A) has the original engine for that particular car.
> ...Is the engine number displayed anywhere else on these cars other than on
> the block itself? If not, is contacting British Motor Heritage the only way to
> get a confirmation of originality of the engine?
> If the later is the only way it seems like a difficult and impractical way
> of checking the originality of a potential purchase, not to mention a
> potential waste of money as BMH would charge for the service.

Well, I don't mind supporting BMH. FWIW you might assume the engine
is NOT original unless the seller can prove it is -- with a BMH certificate.
If a seller is making a big deal out of originality to support a premium
valuation, he/she ought to already have the certificate to prove it. Mine

But I don't think you'll find that non-original motors in TR4/4A's detract
much from their value, or that known original motors add all that much
value either. Unless they're just plain wrong. Condition will be more of
a factor I think. In any case, TRs aren't like Corvettes when it comes
to the value of matching numbers.

All in all we're lucky to have an organization that can so thoroughly
research our cars for us. I could see how the wait would be a drag
if you're thinking of buying a car, but from what I hear their turnaround
is pretty remarkable given it's a tedious manual process carried out
in candlelight in caverns far below the earth's surface. I have that right,
don't I, John? ;-)

Steven Newell
Denver, CO
'62 TR4

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