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RE: Ebay refund protocol

Subject: RE: Ebay refund protocol
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:05:05 -0800
Cc: Triumphs List <>
Organization: Navcom Tech, Inc
Trevor :

As a fairly frequent eBay buyer, I disagree.  It's usually very obvious from 
the negative feedbacks who is lying and who is telling the truth.  Even if not, 
I feel most people would not shun a buyer or seller who has a small number of 
negative feedbacks and a large number of positives.  I know I don't.

Lost payments and misunderstandings are unfortunately all too common.  But, if 
your negative feedback says "This guy stole my money", and your reply says 
"Payment never arrived, buyer refuses to trace money order", it's pretty 
obvious what went on.

BTW, this is one of the reasons I prefer to use checks.  Tracing money orders 
is a nuisance, and costs money.  It's much easier to call my bank and ask if a 
check has cleared (which I can do 24x7), than to take time off work to go stand 
in line at the post office (multiple times), and pay $8 for the privilege of 
being told my money order was not cashed.


On Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:49 PM, Trevor Boicey [] 
>   The negative feedback situation is basically a
> big failure.
>   The reason is because when you leave bad feedback
> for someone, 99% of the time they leave bad feedback
> for you as well.
>   It ends up as a mudslinging competition, which as the
> saying goes, you can't win.

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