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Re: Fuel Leak...again!

To: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Subject: Re: Fuel Leak...again!
From: Bob Labuz <>
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 17:38:22 -0500
Organization: Adirondack Minerals
References: <a05001900b62dd66c92b2@[]>

What is the condition of the gasket? If it is a cork and dry, it may not
be making the necessary seal. Is the screen in the correct position?
Sometimes the screen moves and gets in the way of the cork gasket. Using
the correct gasket, the bowl should seal just by tightening the thumb
screw with your hand.

I currently use a rubber gasket I found somewhere in my fuel parts box. I
have been trying to get another but all the big 3 supply is cork. This
rubber gasket seals fine. I just hope it doesn't get old too fast.

Also check for dirt or some other foreign material on the pump base where
the gasket and glass bowl mate.

Good Luck,

Bob Labuz
1958 TR3A
1974 T140V

Bill & Skip Pugh wrote:

> AAaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!
> Now the fuel is leaking out of the top of the sediment bowl...pipe
> fittings are dry as a bone, thanks to suggestions from the list. But
> fuel is practially pouring out of the top of the sediment bowl...I
> have cleaned, tightened, reversed the gasket, coated the gasket with
> hypolar, twisted, tightened, and still it leaks.  I have managed to
> clamp the rubber fuel line so it is not pouring gasoline all over the
> garage, everything I try seems to make it worse!!  This is a SIMPLE
> thing, how can I be screwing it up so badly...all help gratefully
> accepted.
> Thanks
> --
> Bill Pugh
> aka Wily
> 1957 TR-3
> aka Casper
> TS16765L

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